It is about productivity. It's about each and every second you put in this fetish. Are you benefiting from your time in all of your actions? How much time are you putting in your work and how much are you getting out of it? You need to ask yourself that. Are you spending too much time with time wasters? I hope you are not wasting such precious time when you can put actual work into yourself. How high is your presence? What you put out there is as important as how much time you put into it. Is what you are adding making you look bad or good? It doesn't matter how much time you put in it but the ending result. You can spend a few seconds and didn't try hard but get great results vs. putting a lot of time and effort into something and get nothing out of it. Before you have made yourself public. Create the presence that you desire to be out there.
Someone asked me how much time they should spend trying to prove they are the person behind the pictures. None! Your time is important and shouldn't be wasted on that! Don't get me wrong guys. I know you have been duped and I understand that you need to be sure that have been duped by some one using a picture and claiming that they are that person to find out that they are not them. I am talking about taking a time investment to prove that you are real in your page right away so they can see that you are real instead of them having to ask for it. You should have enough clips or proof that they don't need to ask. Take an investment of your time to put up assurance on your page so there are not any questions about your validity or you will be wasting five minutes of your time with each sub to get past the verification part.
Guys do your research. It is important. Stick your toe into the pool before you diving in. Read their page and get to know them before approaching them so you are not wasting your own time as well